news News from Cinnamon AI

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Executive Officer Ieda speaks at event hosted by global VC "B Capital"

Our Executive Officer, Ieda, will be participating as a panelist in an event hosted by B Capital, a global VC firm co-founded by Eduardo Saverin, co-founder of Facebook, and the Boston Consulting Group.

In the session where Ieda will be speaking, there will be a panel session on "Collaboration between global VCs and the domestic startup ecosystem" with experts including Howard, Chairman of B Capital.

Howard Morgan (Chairman of B Capital)
Keiichi Arimoto (Executive Director, FinCity.Tokyo)
Yasushi Sasaki (BCG Northeast Asia System Leader)
Yuma Saito (CEO, Deloitte Tohmatsu)
Yoshiaki Ieda (Co-founder, Executive Officer in charge of strategic alliances)

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