with AI

Everyone wants to draw a new future,
A world full of creativity with AI

vision The Future Envisioned by Cinnamon AI

Leading with our core IDP technology,
we drive the realization of various partners' KCT


Leave the 'hassle' of automation itself to AI
and move towards an AI that grows alongside
humans. cinnamon AI's approach

IDP (Intelligent Document Processing) is a general term for advanced document processing technology that extracts and organizes information from complex content in any document format.

IDPAdvanced document processing technology

KCT Business Transformation
Centered on Knowledge

KCT (Knowledge-Centric Transformation) is a knowledge-centered initiative that revolves around four cycles: knowledge structuring, knowledge utilization, business data accumulation, and information extraction, and is an innovative vision for improving corporate business efficiency. is.

our client

AI model Cinnamon AI technology

Cinnamon AI primarily develops algorithms related to IDP (Advanced Document Processing Technology) and possesses unique AI technology. By customizing and implementing these technologies for specific business tasks and objectives, we support clients in solving their operational challenges and strategically utilizing AI.

case Cinnamon AI case study

We will introduce how we can solve clients' business challenges with our solutions and what value we can offer.

recruit recruit


At Cinnamon AI, we're looking for members who can create innovative value through collaborations beyond specialized fields. Why not join us in an environment where we can achieve values beyond individual capabilities?