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Providing AI-OCR for automatic pet insurance payment assessment for SBI Ikiiki Small Amount Short-Term Insurance

SBI Ikiiki Small Amount Short-Term Insurance Co., Ltd. has introduced AI to the insurance payment assessment for pet insurance and has begun automating the assessment of insurance payment.

This AI appraisal was made possible through collaboration between SBI Ikiiki Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Co., Ltd., Cinnamon Inc., and DataRobot, Inc., with our company providing the medical statement reading technology using our original high-precision AI-OCR (Flax Scanner) that is compatible with non-standard forms.

Pet medical bills have completely different formats depending on each veterinary clinic, which resulted in huge administrative costs. However, our AI-OCR makes it possible to convert medical bills, which are difficult to read, into text data.

In addition, this AI assessment has succeeded in building a system that can automatically assess claims in just a few seconds. For details, please refer to the press release from SBI Ikiiki Small Amount Short-Term Insurance Co., Ltd.