news News from Cinnamon AI

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Representative Hirano will be appearing on TV Tokyo WBS today (9/30) at 10pm!

Representative Hirano will be appearing on TV Tokyo's "World Business Satellite" today (September 30, 2021) at 10 p.m.!


"Young Game Changers" is a 7-minute special feature that covers young managers and their companies who are working to change social issues through business.


We hope to be able to tell you about our business, the thoughts we put into it, and the voices of our customers.
I would appreciate it if you could take a look!


World Business Satellite
Monday to Thursday 10:00 p.m. to 10:58 p.m.
Friday 11pm - 11:58pm


WBS content has been uploaded to TV Tokyo BIZ (TV Tokyo Business on Demand).

Although you need to register as a paid member, there is a free trial period, so you can view it there as well.

Click here for details