news News from Cinnamon AI

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Representative Hirano has been appointed as a member of the Cabinet Secretariat IT Comprehensive Strategy Headquarters.

Cinnamon AI Representative Director, President and CEO Hirano has been appointed as a member of the Cabinet Secretariat IT Comprehensive Strategy Headquarters.


The Advanced Information and Communication Network Society Promotion Strategy Headquarters (IT General Strategy Headquarters) recognizes the necessity of appropriately responding to the rapid and drastic changes in the socio-economic structure that are occurring on a global scale due to the use of information and communication technology (IT). In consideration of gender, it was established in the Cabinet in January 2001 in order to swiftly and intensively promote measures related to the formation of an advanced information and communication network society.


It is a great honor to represent Japanese startups and contribute to this important conference on the utilization of information and communication technology (IT) in our country.


Today, I participated in the Public-Private Data Utilization Promotion Strategy Council and the Public-Private Data Utilization Promotion Strategy Council.



For information on the Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society Promotion Strategy Headquarters (commonly known as the IT Comprehensive Strategy Headquarters), please see the URL below.