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Why was Japan able to achieve 20 years worth of DX in 2 years – Double Harvest Summit 2022 [Part 1]
On July 7th, Cinnamon AI held the Double Harvest Summit 2022. At the event, leaders from various fields who are responsible for Japan's DX will take the stage. A conversation was held on the theme of "Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP)" necessary to realize DX.
MTP means “a big goal or vision with a sense of reality.” When you imagine the future, you generally make predictions about how things will turn out based on where you are now. However, the driving force is weak and it is difficult to reach the future envisioned.
MTP considers the present from the perspective of the future. For example, let's strongly imagine what society should look like 30 years from now. If you look at the present from 30 years into the future, you will probably come across a number of things that make you feel, ``This is strange,'' ``This is wrong,'' and ``This is inconvenient.'' So, when we return to the present, we can clearly see what we need to do now to aim for the society we want 30 years from now. That is what MTP is: a big goal or vision with a sense of reality.
Leaders in various industries are already working towards realizing this MTP. They are breaking through common sense, standing up to walls, and taking steps toward the future they strongly believe in.
Looking back at the lectures given by the speakers at Double Harvest Summit 2022, it became clear how we should work toward realizing MTP, and how leaders in various fields are working on it.
The next 10 years will bring about the same changes as the previous 100 years.
We are currently experiencing the most rapid social change ever. The development of technology is progressing rapidly, and a digital society that was unimaginable a few decades ago has arrived. Digital technology will continue to evolve even further in the future.
As a result, changes may occur, such as much food manufacturing being replaced by food tech, Bitcoin being recognized as a national currency, and healthy life expectancy increasing by 20 years. Does it seem absurd? However, if you think back to 30 years ago, you will see that these predictions are no pipe dream. Thirty years ago, smartphones and even mobile phones were not commonplace.
Moreover, the speed of evolution will be overwhelmingly faster in the next 30 years than in the past 30 years. Experts predict that there will be as much change in the next decade as there has been in the last 100 years.
Japan was able to accelerate DX during the coronavirus pandemic because it envisioned MTP.
On the other hand, change is not always positive. There are already many challenges such as climate change and food problems. Among these, the recent event that has had a particularly big impact is the new coronavirus infection. The coronavirus pandemic that hit the world has changed the nature of society and business.
Japan has also experienced major changes in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Jun Murai, a professor emeritus at Keio University who has been involved in discussions of Japan's IT strategy for many years, said the following.
"The ``Future Scenario'' created by Tokyo Tech in 2019 predicted a ``home-contained lifestyle'' in which people would be able to do everything at home in 2040.However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, we have already reached that point. Our daily lives have become a reality.The future, which experts predicted would be 20 years from now, has been brought forward.'' (Mr. Murai)
Why has Japan succeeded in DX and been able to anticipate the future 20 years from now, even though the coronavirus pandemic was the trigger? Behind this is Japan's IT strategy, which Mr. Murai talks about.
"Japan set forth the e-Japan strategy as an IT strategy in 2001 and proceeded with the development of infrastructure. The goal of ``aiming for a society where everyone can use the Internet'' was a very high goal. However, , Japan has realized the importance of the Internet as infrastructure from its experience of disasters. That is why we have taken steady steps, such as revising laws and establishing the Digital Agency, and as a result (in a short period of time during the coronavirus pandemic) I was able to receive the high ball (in the form of DX).'' (Mr. Murai)
In other words, Japan, based on its own experience, had clearly envisioned an ``MTP'' of ``preparing the Internet as infrastructure and preparing for disasters.'' This is perhaps why we were able to respond so flexibly to the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic in just two years.
By advancing AI strategy, Japan can turn the crisis it faces into an opportunity.
It is quite possible that the future will be unpredictable, like the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, a new AI Strategy 2022 was formulated in 2022, in which Sony Group CTO Hiroaki Kitano was involved.
In AI Strategy 2022, a new "Strategic Goal 0: Dealing with extraordinary situations" has been added to the four strategic goals of the previous AI Strategy: "Human Resources," "Industrial Competitiveness," "Technology System," and "International." . Extraordinary events mean pandemics and large-scale disasters. The goal is to build and operate a system and technological infrastructure that will protect people's lives and property to the maximum extent possible from such crises.
“Of course, AI cannot solve all physical phenomena such as large-scale disasters.However, by building digital twins and strengthening global networks, for example, we can protect data and capabilities and respond quickly after a disaster. We should be able to support recovery.'' (Mr. Kitano)
Mr. Kitano said that if Japan advances its AI strategy in this way, ``Japan can turn the crisis it faces into its greatest opportunity.''
For example, by using AI to help solve problems such as climate change, we can create opportunities to create major industries and improve our international standing. Alternatively, in addition to using AI to prepare for earthquake disasters, it should also be possible to develop a strategy for envisioning what Japan will look like afterward. Furthermore, Japan's strong information infrastructure, which ensures fairness and transparency, will lead to improved industrial competitiveness.
There is a good chance that Japan's AI strategy and technology, developed in response to crises, will eventually propel Japan to become a global leader.
Of course, in order to realize this kind of DX, the public, private, and academia need to work together.
Many companies have already drawn up MTP and are working towards realizing DX. In the second part, we will explore examples of transformation by leading companies in various fields and the factors behind their success.